June 29, 2012

About earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets

Accessories is like the cherry on the top of the ice cream! They make every outfit more interesting and sometimes can really pull it off! All those earrings and necklaces, bracelets and rings. A girl can never have enough of them.
Personally I am in love with earrings. It's like when you have those teenage quizzes and you have to cross one answer such as: What's the cosmetic product you never leave home without? And then you have mascara or lipstick or eyeliner or blush.* And if this question was on accessories, I would chose earrings over and over again.

I have plenty of them, but my favorites are from India, all that oriental feeling in them. Not to put you into confusion, no worries, I've never been to India, just my family friends are so kind and got me some :)
Also when speaking of earrings, there's also a disadvantage about them. I think it's one of the easiest things to lose. And I am a very good example of it. I managed to lose some of them, sadly also Swarovski one :( It almost broke my heart, but then soon X-mas came and it all just got better.
When posting this blogpost I thought that I could also maybe show you some of my precious collection but then I've decided just to put some smiles on it.
Because even tho I love earrings, and crazy necklaces such as pineapple one (which my Mom just can go with) and rings with big gems... I still think that the best accessory one can put on and one shouldn't leave home without, is a SMILE - simple as it is. With a smile you can bring sparkle not only to your face but you can certainly light up somebody else's day as well -  so pretty decently two in one! Take it or leave it! haha
Anyway, just put a smile on your face (and some lipstick!) and enjoy the summer days! x

*Personally I am not leaving without blush,... but that's another story.

Doplnky su ako ceresnicka na torte! Ozivia kazdy outfit a hned ho spravia zaujimavejsim! Vsetky tie nausnice a nahrdelniky, naramky a prstene. Dievca nemoze mat nikdy dost!
Ja osobne som zamerana na nausnice. Je to ako keby ste v nejakom tom dievcenskom casopise robili jeden z tych kvizov, ze bez coho neodidete z domu, a medzi odpovedami by bolo: bez maskary, bez ruzu, bez linky alebo bez licenky?* A keby sme tuto otazky zmenili na doplnky, tak moja odpoved by bola nausnice, zakazdym!
Mam ich milion, ale najradsej mam tie z Indie. Je v nich taky orientalny nadych a exotika v jednom. Aby som nesposobila zmatok, tak nebojte sa, v Indii som v ziadnom pripade nebola, len nasi rodinni znami, ktori si na mna spomenili :)
Tak isto, ked uz sme pri nausniciach, tak maju samozrejme aj nevyhodu. A sice, ze sa hrozne lahko a rychlo stracaju. Ja som priamo prototyp na straty, uz som ich zopar stratila, dokonca aj Swarovskeho. Skoro mi to zlomilo srdce, ale potom prisli Vianoce a cele sa to nejak vylepsilo :)
Pred tym co som sa rozhodovala napisat tento prispevok, myslela som ze tu dam nejake obrazky o doplnkoch a o mojej kolekcii nausnic, ale potom som sa rozhodla pre nieco jednoduchsie, a sice len usmev.
Aj napriek tomu, ze milujem nausnice, sialene nahrdelniky, ako najnovsie ten s ananasom (s ktorym sa mamka nedokaze zmierit :D ), a prstene s kamenmi... este stale si myslim, ze najlepsi doplnok, ktory mozete pouzit a bez ktoreho by ste nemali opustit dom, je USMEV. S usmevom mozete nie len pridat jas vasej tvari, ale hlavne rozziarit den niekomu inemu - takze pekne solidne dva v jednom!
V kazdom pripade, pekne krasne usmev (a trochu ruzu!) na tvar a hor sa do ulic! x

*Ja jednoznacne bez licenky,... ale to je uz ina historka.

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