August 9, 2012

beautiful mess

Hello there! You know as they always say that one has to have an order in a room or on a table to get the private life or just the life as a whole under control. I can confess that it never worked out for me this way. Those who used to live with me know that my desk where I do everything is just one big mess and it gets even messier during holidays when I don't have to do anything juts to store there everything... from the stationery, accessories, computer, all the different cables and wires and phones...
And now I have a feeling that this mess arrived to the blog as well. As this blog is just all about me and my ideas and from the very beginning it was about lifestyle and my ideas and now it's more about travels and now I am even thinking doing a lil bit of fashion, 'cos I've brought loads of things from the USA...
So I would like to ask for your help. Please, give me your feedback, what do you think of this "mess" here? So far so good? Or shall I change something? Your help is fully appreciated! Googolplex thanks! 
Ahojte! Viete ako nam to stale maminky prizvukuju, ze najprv si urob poriadok na stole a potom v zivote. Opat sa musim priznat, ze pre mna to nikdy nefungovalo. A ti ktori so mnou mali niekedy to stastie byvat, tak vedia ze moj stol je jeden velky chaos. Mozem len povedat, ze cez prazdniny sa to este zhorsuje, lebo tym ako na nom nic poriadne nerobim, tak mi sluzi len ako odkladaci priestor na vsetky tie veci z papiernictva, bizuteriu, doplnky, pocitac a vsetky tie rozne kabliky a drotiky a telefony... 
A teraz mam pocit, ze ten zmatok a chaos dorazil aj na blog. Tak ako je tento blog viac menej o mne a mojich napadoch a myslienok, tak sa to cele zacalo lifestylom, potom sa z toho stal cez prazdniny cestovatelsky blog a teraz uvazujem, ze z toho urobim aj trochu fashion story, lebo z Ameriky som podonasala milion zazrakov ;-)
A prave teraz by som potrebovala Vasu pomoc! Co si o tom vsetkom myslite? Da sa tento chaos este zniest alebo sa mam zamerat na nieco ine? Vasu pomoc neskutocne ocenim! Milionkrat dakujem!

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