August 10, 2012

laughter is timeless

Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A.
Few weeks ago I had a discussion with my cousin about the word "yummious", which he claimed doesn't exist! I can only tell you that it is one of the most common words in my vocabulary and all the time I said so, he started laughing. 
What I am saying to defense myself is, that he surely has no imagination. (can't really blame him, he does science) 
So I'm leaving you today with this short story, which wants to comemorate Walt Disney: "Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever."
Think about it next time, when someone tells you that something doesn't exist!
Pred par tyzdnami som sa dostala do polemiky so svojim bratrancom, a sice slo o slovo "famozny", o ktorom on tvrdil ze neexistuje. Nakolko ocividne nepochadza zo slova "famous", alebo minimalne ja ho tak nepouzivam. Mozem len povedat, ze je to jedno z najfrekventovanejsich slov v mojej slovnej zasobe, a tak zakazdym ked som ho pouzila, spustil sa smiech (samozrejme z jeho strany).
Na svoju obhajobu mozem len povedat, ze bratranec nema urcite ziadnu predstavivost. (na druhej strane, je to predsa len vedec)
A tak Vam tu dnes len chcem zanechat tuto kratku prihodu, a pripomenut si tymto Walta Disneyho lebo: "Smiech je nekonecny, predstavivost nema hranice a sny su vecne."
Tak si na to spomente, ked Vam niekto nabuduce povie, ze nieco neexisuje!

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