September 28, 2012

Meet my friends: Lucka

Meet my friend - Lucka, who is my friend from university and currently also my flatmate. I've decided to introduce her to you as she is working in the man's world (for a car company) and I was curious how do they all treat her.
Besides that she super smart and dedicated, she always brings us a home made cake when she comes on Sunday evening from home.
So here you are and enjoy!

What do you have for breakfast?

During the weekend my Dad usually goes to the bakery and brings home all the delicious pastry he can find. My favorite are with raspberries, when the pastry is stuffed with raspberries and mascarpone - that's really delicious! Or when someone makes pancakes for breakfast, that's not bad either! As during the vacation, they made us fresh pancakes. And I like them with maple sirup or fruits. And always when I am watching Gossip Girl, they eat there those waffles with raspberries - oh, I'd like to have their breakfast! 
And what was really surprising when speaking of breakfast, when I was this summer in Spain, they served ice cream for breakfast! Which I couldn't really go with, but maybe with pancakes it wouldn't be that bad! :)

How is it to work in men's world?

Well, it definitely has advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to advantages, it's always that they really appreciate that they have the there. They are also much into details and when I enter in the morning they scan me and make some compliment!

But do they also notice things, which normally guys don't see, such as when you cut your hair?

Yes, actually they are always checking if my nails fit my clothes!!! (oh my, and they are working with cars!!!) Or for example today, my college was also wearing green and he came to me and told me that we look like two turtles! Because he was wearing a green shirt, so we really matched! 
It's just that sometimes they can be too observant, when it comes to cleavage or when I was wearing a white skirt during the summer and it was slightly see-through... They knew straight away that I was wearing lacy underwear, what was even sooner than I had a chance to realize it!
Thanks to the small number of girls, which is 4 and 30 men, they are really putting an effort in their behavior, they open door for me or sometimes take my lunch - kinda gentlemen! :)

Do you think that sex (I mean if you're woman or man) can play a role when it comes for example to promotion? Would they prefer you to a man?

Well, probably not. If it was about staying in the office, then I think I would have an advantage. But with promotion, I don't think so. The guy will have it easier. They just all think that I am a girl so naturally I can't understand cars as much as a guy. But I think that they're really glad to have me here. And everyone is jealous of my boss, 'cos he has a girl in his devision! :D

But back to the disadvantages now - well, if there are any?!

Well, when they are looking at me, that look! a girl, she can't understand cars much. But I have to agree with them, I am not that much interested. We have loads of car magazines in work and I don't even open them. The closest I get is when I check the cover :D
And also when you see all guys talking to each other, how vulgar they can be. But actually this can be also an advantage, at least I have a chance to observe them, when they are together. But sometimes I am really amazed what comparisons they can make!

Thank you for the interview!

Spoznajte moju kamaratku Lucku! S Luckou sme sa spoznali na univerzite a momentalne sme dokonca aj spolubyvajuce. Rozhodla som sa Vam ju predstavit, lebo je to dievca, ktore sa pohybuje v cisto muzskom svete - pracuje totiz v auto-priemysle, a ja som bola zvedava, ako sa tam k nej spravaju.
Okrem tohoto vsetkeho je super mudra a horliva, ale zo vsetkeho najviac mam rada, ked v nedelu vecer donesie domaci kolacik!
Takze nech sa paci!

Co mas rada na ranajky?

Cez vikend ma tatko vo zvyku rano chodit nakupovat, tak nam stale potom nosi vsetko mozne co maju u nas dobreho v pekarni. Najlepsie su malinove, ked je pecivo plnene malinami a tvarohom - tak to je dobre! Alebo keby niekto urobil palacinky, to by bolo uplne dobre, ako ked sme boli na dovolenke a tam nam robili cerstve palacinky na ranajky :) A mam ich rada s javorovym sirupom alebo s nalozenym ovocim, nieco medzi dzemom alebo ovocim. A hlavne sa mi stale paci ked pozerame Gossip girl, tak raz by som chcela mat take ranajky! Tie ich wafle s malinami! 
A teraz ked sme boli v Spanielsku, tak tam bola na ranajky aj zmrzlina! Ale tu som uplne nezvladla, ale mozno na tych palacinkach by asi nemusela byt zla.

Takze ake je to pracovat v cisto panskom kolektive?

Tak ma to urcite svoje vyhody aj nevyhody. Tie vyhody su v tom, ze ti chlapi si ta tam hrozne vazia, su velmi vsimavi, takze ked prides do prace, tak si ta vzdy celu prehliadnu, pochvalia ta ako ti to slusi, ...

Ale vsimnu si napriklad aj take veci, ktore si normane nevsimaju, napr. ze si ostrihana?

Ano, prave stale skumaju ako mam zladene nechty s oblecenim!!! (a to oni pracuju s autami!!) Alebo dnes jeden kolega bol tiez v zelenom ako ja a on ku mne prisiel, ze sme dnes ako dve korytnacky! Lebo mal zelenu koselu, tak sme boli k sebe pekne zladeni! No ono je to tak, ze niekedy ta to potesi ale ked mas potom vystrih alebo v lete ked som mala bielu suknu a ta bola trochu priesvitnejsia... - tak potom boli uz az prilis vsimavi! Takze hned videli, ze mam krajkovane spodne pradlo, co som pomaly nevedela ani ja! :D
Vdaka tomu ze sme tam 4 dievcata a asi 30 chlapov, tak sa nas tam snazia rozmaznavat, stale otvaraju dvere, alebo ked idem na obed tak mi sem tam vezmu aj tacku s jednom - celkom gentlemani :) 

Myslis si, ze by pohlavie bolo rozhodujuce napriklad pri povyseni? Keby si mali vybrat medzi muzom a zenou?

No to asi nie. Ale keby sa jednalo len o to, ci tam zostanem ja alebo chlap, tak to by som asi vyhodu mala. Ale keby som mala byt povysena a jednalo by sa o mna a o chlapa, tak to budem mat tahsie. Lebo ti chlapi si povedia, ze to dievca tym autam predsa tak nerozumie. Ale myslim si, ze su radi, ze tam vobec nejake dievca maju a tak sa o mna staraju. Napr. aj ten sef je rad, ze ma tam ma, lebo nejakym sposobom mu ini zavidia, ze on ma na oddeleni dievca :D 

No ale este spat k tym negativam Tvojej prace - teda ak tam nejake su?!

No ked na mna pozeraju, ze aha dievca, tak ta tym autam nemoze tak rozumiet. S cim ale suhlasim, ze sa o to az tak nezaujimam. Lebo ved my tam mame tolko casopisov o autach a o vsetkom moznom, ale ja to ani neotvorim. To si stale pozriem tak maximalne prednu stranu :D
Prave nevyhoda je aj to, ze vidis ako sa ti chlapi chovaju medzi sebou, ze niekedy dokazu byt celkom vulgarni. Teda mozno je to aj vyhoda, ze vidim ako sa chovaju, ked su spolu, ze sa chovaju ako take prasata. A ked som tam aj ja, tak su galantnejsi. Ale niekedy tam lietaju fakt sproste slova, ze stale len pozeram, co dokazu vymysliet za prirovnania! 

Dakujem za rozhovor!

Citali ste uz o Kitty a Zuzke? A nezabudnite, ze som uz aj na facebook-u!


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